Your Local Medicare Resource
Where you can expect knowledge, expertise, and the upmost customer service.
Our Services
Guiding you through the Medicare process.
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Ming Senior Services
Was established in 2007 to specifically assist Medicare beneficiaries and seniors with their Health Insurance needs.

Medicare Can Offer A Variety Of Challenges
At Ming Senior Services, we strive to be the best in our industry while offering an exceptional level of professionalism. Since 2010, our agency has been recognized as an elite #1 agency in our area by the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) back-to-back years.
Whether you are newly eligible for Medicare or currently enrolled in a plan, we offer free consultations and recommendations in the best interests of our clients. Call to schedule an appointment today! One of our licensed, certified agents will explain Medicare and your options – even from the comfort of your own home!
Licensed Agents
That Care
Everyone’s needs are unique. Our agents are licensed and certified with top-rated insurance carriers approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which gives us the opportunity to offer a variety of Medicare Plans to specifically fit your needs.